Double Chin

If you suffer from a double chin, you might have spent many years wishing for a slimmer chin profile or cringing when you look at photos of yourself. For those with undesired submental fat deposits, self-confidence can shrink fast. And no matter how much one exercises or diets, the fatty cells under the chin don’t seem to go away. Fortunately, with Kybella injections, your chin profile can be improved. Come in to DaVida Medical & Aesthetics for Kybella in San Antonio where patients’ entire facial aesthetic is greatly improved.
Kybella San Antonio | DaVida Medical & Aesthetics


  • Double chin
  • Poor jawline definition
  • Excess neck fat
  • Unwanted fullness under the chin
  • Facial symmetry due to fat accumulation


  • Quick lunchtime treatment
  • Safe and effective
  • No surgery or lip required
  • Quick results, within weeks
  • Neck & chin definition restored
  • No anesthesia necessary


All of our Kybella San Antonio procedures are performed at the elegant DaVida Medical & Aesthetics med spa. This beautiful medical spa offers all the same safety protocols and benefits as your local hospital, minus lack of privacy and long lines. DaVida Medical & Aesthetics features advanced equipment and technology, and the care of a compassionate and experienced staff. Plus, you get the comfort and style of our waiting area and recovery rooms, which offer tranquil and discretion

Kybella San Antonio | DaVida Medical & Aesthetics


All of our Kybella San Antonio procedures are performed at the elegant DaVida Medical & Aesthetics med spa. This beautiful medical spa offers all the same safety protocols and benefits as your local hospital, minus the lack of privacy and long lines. DaVida Medical & Aesthetics features advanced equipment and technology, and the care of a compassionate and experienced staff. Plus, you get the comfort and style of our waiting area and recovery rooms, which offer tranquil and discretion.


Kybella is a non-invasive treatment designed to eliminate excess fat beneath the chin. This injectable solution contains deoxycholic acid; a naturally occurring molecule that aids with the body’s breakdown and permanently eliminates fat cells. The treatment generally takes about 15 to 20 minutes per session, and requires little to no downtime.
Kybella works by targeting and permanently destroying fat cells under the chin. The injectable solution contains deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule that aids the digestion and absorption of fat in the body. When injected into the targeted area, the deoxycholic acid breaks down the cell membrane of the fat cells, causing them to rupture and be eliminated by the body’s natural metabolic processes. Once destroyed, the fat cells cannot regenerate, leading to a permanent reduction in submental fat.
Kybella treatment requires some patience, because it takes a few months to accomplish all the benefits. The aesthetician will decide on the right number of injections for your body, and will communicate this to you during your confidential consultation. About 14-50 injections are administered per appointment, and sessions should be spaced out several weeks apart. Treatment time is usually less than a half hour.
While individual results vary, on average patients can see results after 2-6 treatment sessions. But the number of treatments required for your specific goals depends on your individualized treatment plan.
Kybella is administered by injections into the fat under the chin. Each in-office treatment session usually is about 15-20 minutes. At DaVida Medical & Aesthetics, our Kybella San Antonio treatment is customized to the patient’s aesthetic goals for an improved chin profile.
Some patients may experience swelling, numbness, redness, or mild tingling after their injection. These side effects are completely normal and will subside within the first week. Ice packs and/or ibuprofen usually provide comfort. Minimizing post-treatment exercise is advised, as this can help keep swelling down.


If you have unwanted excess fat under your chin and desire a better profile, then Kybella is a great option. It is the first and only FDA-approved injectable drug that contours and improves the appearance of submental fullness due to excess fat under the chin.
In addition, Kybella may be used in combination with other procedures to enhance the neck and jawline. As a premiere provider of Kybella San Antonio has to offer, we look forward to working with you on a treatment plan to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.


The best way to gauge a med spa’s skill is to view their past work. Please browse our before and after gallery, to see for yourself the dramatic results you can expect to achieve from a Kybella treatment.