Face Rejuvenation

DaVida Medical & Aesthetics in San Antonio is where we offer cutting-edge microneedling treatments that promise to rejuvenate your skin. This progressive procedure involves using tiny needles to create micro wounds on the skin, which stimulates collagen productions. It also leads to a firmer, smoother complexion. Discover the benefits of microneedling with our skilled team of skincare professionals at DaVida Medical & Aesthetics.
San Antonio Microneedling Treatment | DaVida Medical & Aesthetics


  • Sagging skin, loss of elasticity
  • Enlarged pores
  • Sun damage, malasma
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Rosacea
  • Age spots
  • Hyperpigmentation


  • Improves skin tone & texture
  • Reduces scarring
  • Treats acne and cystic acne
  • Exfoliates the skin
  • Evens out skin tone
  • Reduces blackheads
  • Makes skin look younger
  • Treats scars from injury or trauma
  • Requires minimal downtime
  • Used on various body parts


Come visit our San Antonio med spa for some of the best microneedling Texas has to offer. Microneedling is a treatment method that uses tiny needles to puncture the skin to a certain depth. 

These controlled injuries trigger the body’s product of collagen. The collagen fills the holes made by the needles, resulting in healthier, younger looking skin. But keep in mind everyone’s skin is unique, thus results can vary.

San Antonio Microneedling Treatment | DaVida Medical & Aesthetics


Come visit our San Antonio med spa for some of the best microneedling Texas has to offer. Microneedling is a treatment method that uses tiny needles to puncture the skin to a certain depth. 

These controlled injuries trigger the body’s product of collagen. The collagen fills the holes made by the needles, resulting in healthier, younger looking skin. But keep in mind everyone’s skin is unique, thus results can vary.


If you want microneedling in San Antonio, DaVida Medical & Aesthetics is the place to go. Our qualified and extensively trained specialists strive to deliver the best microneedling San Antonio has to offer. We will review your medical history and your beauty goals. You skincare specialist will help you come up with a plan to achieve a look you will love.
Microneedling is administered with the use of a skin pen, or battery-operated, handheld device containing one dozen fine needles. These are customized to the exact depth required by each patient. The pen gently glides across the skin over a period of about 15 minutes. Remember that a numbing gel is usually applied before the pen is used, so you will not experience any discomfort. A light treatment usually feels like sandpaper brushed against the skin, while a deeper treatment may feel like a sunburn.
Because microneedling is gentle and progressive, it generally requires a series of sessions spaced out over several months. With each session, results accumulate and the complexion gradually improves. Those with acne scars will usually need between 6 and 8 sessions to see complete success.
The length of time the microneedling treatment lasts is dependent on the underlying issue that caused the damage in the first place. For scars, results are usually permanent. Those issues caused by aging will eventually reappear. However, unlike some procedures, you can have additional treatments without building up scar tissue.
Most patients have some slight swelling and redness for a few days after the treatment. Some experience only a day of redness. It really depends on each patient.
The timeframe to notice visible results post-microneedling can vary. Generally, improvements might be seen within a few days to a week after treatment. Continued enhancements over several weeks as collagen production increases, providing firmer, smoother skin. However, individual results may vary based on certain factors. For example, skin type, the specific concern being addressed, and the number of sessions undergone.


Microneedling is an excellent treatment option for those looking to improve their skin. If you are someone who wants to improve hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, scars, and other skin concerns, you are likely a good candidate.
However, if you have ongoing skin infections, they will need to be resolved prior to having a microneedling treatment. Additionally, patients on blood thinners, and diabetics are also not the best candidates for this treatments.


The best way to gauge a med spa’s skill is to view their past work. Please browse our before and after gallery, to see for yourself the dramatic results you can expect to achieve from microneedling treatments.